Ive searched for a lot of apps for using in clipart production and edition, and up to now found this is the best! Easy to use, provides most of the usually needed commands. Beautiful interface, bonus of site to publishe produced images. What I would add to make it perfect: – Saving in PNG and / or GIF – Ability to control image color depth (from 16 colors to high color) – A softer control on "magic wand" function, allowing it to select more or less pixels, based on color similarity. – The ability to write on the drawings, using a few popular fonts like Arial, Times New Roman, Helvetica, Zurich. – Possibility of switching off the exhibition of best cliparts on the fist page of app (this can be band consuming, and in Brazil bandwidth is still too expensive). I recommend the app to everyone intent on editing - creating high quality images and cliparts!!! Really, I think it is worth every cent I spent in it!